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Sunday 18 August 2013

How To Block Facebook / Any Website Without Using Software


How To Block Facebook / Any Website Without Using Software

If you want to block / restrict a particular website or multiple websites on your computer just follow the below steps. This trick will is useful to block any websites which are surfing by your children or anyone in your house or company computers.
You can also block the software from validating the product key or license information form the software website.

Now Let us see how to block a website. Example:

Read: 2 Ways To Rename Multiple Files And Folders In Windows

How To Block Websites Without Any Software

  • Open My Computer and go to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc
    Find Hosts file
  • Open hosts file in notepad  (Double Click To Open)
  • Select Notepad in Open with Dialog.
Open Hosts file in notepad
  • Text in the hosts file look like in below image.
Hosts file
  • Below the              localhost 
  •                   ::1                        localhost
  •  Enter websites in below format
  • To block facebook website add the below line to hosts file
Add to hosts file
  • To block multiple websites Add website one after one in a new line in the below format
  • See the below image.
Add multiple sites to hosts file
  •  Ctrl+s and save the hosts file. 
  • That's it open any browser try to open the website which you blocked. It will show theUnable to connect message.
Unable to connect mozilla firefox
  • This works on all the browsers like Internet explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari,....etc

How To Unblock Website

  • Simply Remove the line which you have added in hosts file.


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