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Monday 4 February 2013

PowerPoint Viewer 14.0 Free Download


PowerPoint Viewer 14.0 Free Download

PowerPoint Viewer 14.0

PowerPoint Viewer lets you view full-featured presentations created in PowerPoint 2010 and previous versions. This viewer also supports opening password-protected Microsoft PowerPoint presentations. You can view and print presentations, but you cannot edit them in the PowerPoint Viewer.
Note: After installing the PowerPoint Viewer please install all High-Priority updates from Microsoft Update.
The following Microsoft PowerPoint features are not supported by this viewer:
  • Information Rights Management (IRM) presentations.
  • Running macros, programs, or opening linked or embedded objects.
Note: PowerPoint Viewer registers itself with the .ppt, .pot, and .pps file extensions only if a version of PowerPoint is not installed on your computer. If registered, double-clicking on these file types will launch PowerPoint Viewer.


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